The past few days have been hard for everyone, all due to the widespread of COVID-19 or Coronavirus all over the globe. This has direct to lockdown in India and many other nations as well. While all of us are at home, quarantined for almost 4 weeks and maybe longer, there must be some who would like to execute good use out of this time and follow their passion.
This is an excellent time to do most of the things that you have been putting off all this while due to all the job pressure and a busy schedule. COVID-19, one of the most destructive viruses has incited unforgettable losses to families, as well as tremendous slowdown and stagnation to economies worldwide.
Unluckily, Coronavirus is here to stay for a while, so do not allow this virus to stop you from accomplishing what best can be done during these testing times. Do not lose faith and don’t let this virus weaken you. Lockdown is a temporary action taken by Government of several nations to slow down the extent of the virus and to take proper steps to combat Coronavirus.
Businesses have experienced huge losses and people have lost their jobs because of the cumbersome economic decline caused by COVID19. We cannot expect further without doing anything. Therefore, we have to become more conscious, decisive, proactive and think of businesses that can be started from home during this pandemic period lockdown. We will list some of the popular businesses that can be begun are described below:
In forthcoming years, the online delivery business will be at boom and customers will favour buying products online, rather than hitting grocery stores, malls and shopping complexes where there will be more chance of getting infected.
Doorstep delivery is the most suitable alternative business during the lockdown period, in which various types of delivery services can be initiated, such as fundamental items delivery, grocery delivery, pharmaceuticals delivery and alcohol delivery. Particular licenses shall be required to be obtained from the concerned authority to commence a specific delivery business.
With the rise of lockdown, homemade or small scale mask making and hand sanitizer production has increased drastically to fulfil the surge in demand for various types of face masks and hand sanitizers.
Many entrepreneurs, small business owners, self-employed professionals, have opted to commence face mask manufacturing and hand sanitizer business, closing down their previously existing businesses during the lockdown. To market their products; business owners or manufacturers can directly contact local shops, retailers and wholesalers to trade it further to local customers.
Recently, the Indian Central Government allowed permission to restaurants and food outlets to sell food via online platforms and deliver it with the aid of delivery merchants. You can also begin a new business by starting a kitchen of popular or aspired cuisine that is in demand in your local area. The fundamental investment required is least that requires the purchase of raw materials with experienced and trained staff, including chef, helper, etc.
Students are struggling to reach institutions and colleges amid COVID19 outbreak, their education is getting embarrassed with time. To make the most of this circumstance; professionals with knowledge, skills and expertise in any particular field or topic can start online tuition or coaching classes for preschoolers. You just require to have a laptop, a proper internet connection and smartphone to begin with online tuition classes.
People have commenced earning a fair amount from online social media platforms, among those YouTube is recognised as the most profitable and popular. Yes, becoming a YouTuber is trending, if you are really excited and possess a unique style or aura to make as many fans or subscribers of your youtube channel. This idea of becoming a YouTuber can churn you as a constant source of income. Earnings from YouTube is based on only one funda that is more the subscribers, higher is the earning.
You can also endeavour to see for things that are immediately available and can be used as per the requirement in this time of crisis. Even the most insignificant of objects can make a big difference in improving the global economy during these arduous times.
Stay hopeful, don’t lose hope, be aware and have a lot of self-control to fight this pandemic. Everyone is fighting this deadly virus and the whole world is managing together to eradicate COVID19. Treat lockdown as a time of invention, learning and knowledge that shall sustain a bright future for mankind.