
Which Card Swipe Machine Is Best For My Business In The UAE?

Whether you managing a boutique clothing store, a food stall, a pizzeria or you’re a tradesman, chances are your customers suppose to be able to pay for your goods or services by card. It’s both more reliable and far more comfortable for them.

After the rapid spread of Covid-19, customers seem to be more careful about what they handle – including cash. Paying with cards through contactless (tap and go) transactions is both safe, reliable and competent.

This means that the question is no longer whether you need a card payment solution, but preferably, which card swipe machine is most suitable for your business.

Fixed Machines versus Portable Machines

In most retail situations where people will only spend on goods at the tills, fixed machines make more sense. In other cases, however, a degree of portability is crucial if you aspire to be agile and adaptable enough to provide to all of your customers’ needs. Portable card payment machines don’t only deliver in-store mobility, they empower you to take your store to possible customers.

For plumbers, carpenters, mobile massage parlours and various other industries that go to their customers, another alternative is a mobile card payment solution. These small mobile card machines connect right to your smart device or tablet and enable you to receive card payments anywhere, at any time.

Picking the right card machine comes down to where you operate, how you operate, and how resilient and mobile your customers need you to be. The good news is that no matter what business you’re in or what your customer expectations are, there’s a card payment solution always for you.

Is Reliability an issue with various card payment solutions?

Many different factors influence the security of payment solutions, from whether your POS can connect with your bank, to load shedding as well as Cellphone backup towers falling battery power that may affect connectivity.

Modern-day payment solutions are based on technology, which means that seldom things don’t work precisely as they should. For instance, if your bank’s servers are being updated – as they must be – you won’t be able to connect during that time. This means you won’t be capable to receive payments during their system upgrade window period. This can seldom last from as little as 5 minutes up to 6 hours, usually in the evening.

Furthermore, if you have a portable machine running off WiFi but you’re in a weak signal area, you’ll struggle to process card payments. And what effect does load shedding have? If your area is affected and the power goes out, your fixed and portable card machines won’t run if their batteries run out – but there are connectivity problems as well. Continued and regular load shedding means backup batteries at cell towers fall and often aren’t fully recharged when the next stage starts. The result? Poor coverage, just when you want it most.

The difficulty is that most of your customers aren’t driving around with wallets and purses full of cash in anticipation of these challenges – they’re depending on you to be capable to accept card payments, no matter what.

So, what’s the Solution?

So the solution for this is you can set up two POS Systems in your store. One can be connected by a land cable machine and the other a portable machine with a SIM card. This means that you will always have one machine running, no matter what.

Some POS Terminals have dual sim cards, which means that they don’t need to be dependent on a single service provider. There are also Credit card swipe machine providers who offers card swiping machines based on rental services.

Card Cutters is the leading Credit card Swipe Machine Provider in the Dubai, UAE who resolves this kind of solutions easily. They have various types of POS Rental Services like

Reliability is important, and this often requires more than one solution. Since payment solutions and POS systems can be integrated, a solution can be found that satisfies your specific operating environment.

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