If you like health supplements and other health-related products you may have come over Herbalife Nutrition over the years. Herbalife has a broad range of products marketed through direct marketing. Maybe you were introduced to these Multilevel marketing products through a friend or colleague You might even contemplate becoming a distributor for this company. If you’re considering starting up your own health supplements business and you’re looking at Herbalife as a means to expand that business, you’re in the correct place.
In this Herbalife MLM Review, we’ll be taking a close glance at this MLM business opportunity. This Herbalife Nutrition MLM review will guide you through how it operates and the Herbalife nutrition products as well as the good and bad things you should be conscious of. Here we will look after
We’ll look at what will be required of you if you enter Herbalife as a distributor, what the MLM compensation plan is like if the MLM scheme is a genuine one or not and we’ll also look at the pros and cons, as well. Well done on performing your due diligence, by the way, because it’s always best to examine our Herbalife MLM reviews before diving in with both feet.
Herbalife is an MLM or Network Marketing company based in Los Angeles, CA. Herbalife was established back in 1980 by a 24-year-old named Mark Hughes, when he commenced selling weight loss shakes out of his car in Los Angeles. A natural-born salesperson, the young Hughes had earlier marketed everything from raffle tickets to exercise equipment.
He was also presented with the concept of multi-level marketing, becoming a top-earner for a small MLM outfit called Seyforth Laboratories.
After Seyforth and the different companies he was associated with went out of business, Hughes ultimately chose to branch out on his own, and Herbalife was born. Herbalife products are available in 95 countries and territories around the globe and claim to have over 4.6 million distributors and affiliates. Back in the early 1980s, Herbalife concentrated on marketing weight loss products. In fact, one of their very most advanced products was a protein shake that was to encourage people to lose weight. Herbalife slowly expanded its Herbalife product range to add fitness products, anti-aging products, and women’s health products, amongst others.
By the year 2000, Herbalife had risen significantly. In 2000, sorrowfully, Mark Hughes died at the age of 44. The troubles he’d had with the legitimacy of Herbalife had taken a toll on his psychic health and he overdosed on alcohol and anti-depressants.
Herbalife currently makes revenues of around $5 billion per year and is one of the most prosperous MLM companies compared with others.
Herbalife is listed under Top MLM Companies across the globe
Herbalife Nutrition offers a broad line of great-tasting nutrition products that can be customized to meet individual requirements and support consumers to achieve their unique wellness goals. These Nutrition products combine meal replacement protein shakes, teas, aloes, vitamins, sports hydration, bars, and outer nutrition products, all lined by science.
The supplements suggested in the Herbalife weight loss programs involve:
While these supplements include many ingredients and claim to assist with energy, metabolism, and weight loss, there have been no investigations to prove their effectiveness. Additionally, supplements aren’t controlled by any government agency for excellence or purity, so there’s no guarantee that they contain the ingredients shown.
After doing a quick bit of investigation for the cost of a random Herbalife product, we discovered that a shake mix from Herbalife is a lot more economical on Amazon. It makes us admire if there are other places that it can be purchased even cheaper.
So, you might have difficulties selling your Herbalife products to those who are skilled at sniffing out a better deal. How do you prove someone it’s more beneficial to pay more for something when ordering from you than it is to just hop on over to Amazon and get the equivalent product for around 25% more contemptible?
Is it trustworthy or safe to use Herbalife products? One of their MLM products is the Herbalife weight loss program, which uses meal replacement shakes and dietary supplements to assist people slim down. However, despite its fame worldwide, many people query about the safety of Herbalife products and the uncertainty of potential side effects. In particular, some are concerned about the products’ impacts on kidney health.
The Herbalife diet is intended to encourage people lose weight by reducing calorie intake with meal replacement shakes and boosting metabolism with supplements. It is somewhat proved that following a high protein diet long term may create waste products to gradually build up in the blood and drive to kidney damage among people with impaired kidney function.
For this reason, individuals with chronic kidney disease are recommended to watch their protein intake correctly, which can assist maintain kidney function and prevent the progression of kidney disease. Also certain Herbalife products are rich in phosphorus and potassium, two nutrients that those with kidney disease should restrict.
To sign up you need to buy a Herbalife Distributor Kit. There are two separate kits you can pick. The International Business Pack costs $94.20 or the International Business Pack-Super Starter for a cost of $125.10.
Additional costs would be the hidden costs. These are costs that are not an element of your distributor agreement such as your time, the cost of phone calls, etc.
Magnify the way you support your customers and manage your business with the Herbalife Nutrition® Point of Sale app. this app will enable them to sell and distribute consumptions in addition to retailing products from their smartphone or tablet.
It is a simple and free mobile app for Distributors to instantly access all the most advanced Herbalife news and content from the web. Covers youtube, facebook, twitter, rss and more
To sign up you need to buy a Herbalife Distributor Kit. There are two separate kits you can pick. The International Business Pack costs $94.20 or the International Business Pack-Super Starter for a cost of $125.10.
Additional costs would be the hidden costs. These are costs that are not an element of your distributor agreement such as your time, the cost of phone calls, etc.
There are lots of reasons why you may want to proffer this particular opportunity a pass. The lawsuits only would make anyone presume twice. The products are costly and may be a tough sell to customers. We can’t say definitively that Herbalife is a scam but we also believe there’s plenty of warning here.
The one thing that always bothers us about MLMs like this is that there’s no base salary. It’s rigidly commission based. There’s a lot of activity involved before you ever see a commission check. If you then are among the average distributors, you will have spent thousands to make from nothing to 100 dollars per week. But for some people, this is a business worth funding into, particularly if you like to push products. Herbalife is a genuine business, but it needs a lot of work.