Patton Avenue Pet Company is a pet supply shop concentrating on nutritionally suitable foods for dogs, cats and small animals, as well as high-quality and environmentally-friendly products. They maintain free classes, and low-cost clinics, and have a fenced dog park available to the public.
Four years ago, Jenna Yarosh started Patton Avenue Pet Company in a revitalized house found on Patton Avenue in West Asheville. With a focal point on health, nutrition, and locally assembled items, Patton Avenue Pet Company’s favor soon outgrew its humble home base, and the downtown location opened two years ago. With two bustling areas, both conveniently based on Patton Avenue, PAPCO has rapidly become a well known local icon.
Patton Avenue Pet Company extended its downtown location June 17.
The company extended a store in the West Asheville section of Patton Avenue in December 2011 (1388 Patton Ave.). The development will be in the former location of Sims Futon Gallery in the downtown section of Patton Avenue (109 Patton Ave.).
The patton avenue pet company west supply store will be available from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday to Saturday and 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays.
According to the store’s Facebook page, the downtown area “will have the extensive majority of the brands you love at the West Asheville store open for purchase Downtown, save for a rare items that will not be making the move with us.”
You can visit the patton avenue pet company west location at 1388 Patton Avenue, and the downtown location at 109 Patton Ave.
For more, visit www.pattonavenuepet.com.
We are a curated pet supply shop, concentrating on natural nutrition, high-quality collections, and unique gifts for the pet lover. We have a knowledgeable staff and are solution-focused to assist you and your pet be comfortable and healthy together. We have food collections for dogs and cats, as well as small mammals. We’re available 7 days a week and dogs (and other pets!) are always welcome to stop by for a treat and some love- it is the most promising part of our day! Now, you can shop locally even from home- we have regional delivery available through our website,
Patton Avenue Pet Company desired to extend its brand awareness with new consumers in and around Asheville, NC who predominantly shop at big box stores like Chewy.com, PetSmart, PetCo, Walmart, Target and Amazon.com.