Network marketing is a marketing model that depends upon person-to-person sales by independent representatives, oftentimes work from home. A network marketing firm may presume you to model a network of business partners or salespeople to help with lead generation and making deals to a close. There are many legitimate network marketing operations, yet some have been criticised as pyramid plans. The latter may zero in less on sales to customers than on recruitment of salespeople who may be required to pay straightforward for costly starter units.
Moreover, you can use network marketing as a source of passive income and make a notable amount with a bit of training. If you are considering joining a networking marketing company and frustrated with the big list of network marketing companies of India, then we have made a resolution to all your question. Further, we have assimilated the list of a top network marketing company in India 2021 to commence MLM business in India.
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Here we will let you know the best network marketing companies in India 2021.
Mi Lifestyle Marketing Global Private Limited is an Indian Network Marketing Company In India ( Chennai) in 2013 and it’s a direct selling company that gives a wide range of lifestyle products straight to the consumers and products certified by the Ministry of AYUSH.
This Trending Network Marketing Company in India has more than 250 products in its portfolio around cover every section with a bizarre offer of free coupons, They are the first direct selling company allowing the most of FMCG category product at aggressive prices even with traditional. This is aiming to fulfil the purpose of every individual connected with the company.
They have 20 years of experience in the Indian direct selling industry. This company is an associate member of FICCI & FDSA. The turnover of this company is approximately 1500 crores yearly.
Amway is an American company that commenced in 1959. The company began its business with a fluid organic cleaner and currently presents you with all health care products, beauty products, and home care products.
You will discover its many branches in India. Aside from this, Amway is one of best Network Marketing Company in India. The company was co-founded in Michigan, United States, by two businesspeople, Richard DeVos and Jay Van Andel.
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VESTIGE MARKETING PVT LTD, a direct selling company, commenced in the year 2004, is an Indian company. It is the foremost direct sales company in world-class wellness products. VESTIGE has been rising at a fantastic rate every year. Such a growth rate in itself discourses the quality of its products, marketing planning, and good management. All of these values make the company the most trustworthy and sustainable brand.
Every year, it has consistently expanded its product range to cater to your requirements with its class products. Made on state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that are GMP and Halal certified. Vestige is an ISO 9001-2015 certified company and holds world-class service for all its consumers.
Herbalife is a US-based Network Marketing company that offers mostly nutritious products that are produced from Ayurvedic and natural plants. All the products of this company can be acquired by the association itself and cannot be found everywhere else. Whenever you market or sponsor a product of this company to someone, you get a stable commission amount. To join Herbalife, you first have to purchase a kit of $ 60 (RS.4400), which includes products for daily use.
In this Network Marketing company, you can receive a discount of about 25% on all their products. Once you become its partner, you can buy and market the product at retail at wholesale prices. It is an extremely successful network marketing company in India.
Smart Value Products and Services Limited is one of the Biggest and Top Network Marketing companies in India with40 Lakh+ distributors. Smart Value is a company that gives excellent computer education, health products, lifestyle, beauty products, and farm products.
Smart Value is an ISO 9001: 2006 certified MLM company. The company has more than 100+ extraordinary quality and standards for money products. It is controlled by a combination of extremely skilled professionals with multi-industry exposure from top management institutes in India.
Modicare is one of the good Multi-level Marketing Companies in India or Direct Selling Company in India and is a serious player in the business. Modi Group is one of the Leading Network Marketing business companies in India. ModiCare MLM Company is a $2.10 trillion Indian owned by Modi Enterprises. ModiCare is headquartered in New Delhi. Today, this Network Marketing company declares to have 40 centers across the nation that provide products to more than 2,700 cities.
Modicare offers products in these categories-
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Oriflame, a Swedish beauty company, has a tremendous market in India. Oriflame mainly gives beauty and skincare products.. Oriflame is currently marketing directly to a global beauty company in 68+ countries global.
Its wide portfolio of Swedish, natural, innovative beauty merchandise is sold through the sales department of approximately 3.6 million freelance consultants who serve their products around the globe.
Oriflame’s operational policy is to consider individuals and to speculate its social and environmental policies. Oriflame supports numerous charities globally.
However, Oriflame is not the only Network Marketing companies like RCM or Herbalife. People can purchase products right from their website and do not need to purchase directly from the seller.
Forever Living – The Aloe Vera Company is a multi-billion dollar US Based network marketing ompany is known for its particular Aloe vera Based Products. Forever Living’s MLM plan is very easy to understand. All you have to do is become an FBO (Forever Business Owner) member and purchase products at commercial prices and market them at retail price to your friends earning up to 44% on commission.
In bonuses, you make a group volume bonus of up to 13% for each of your junior team members, and for the leadership bonus, you can make 2% to 6% depending on the organization’s neighbourhood.
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