The rocky worlds that are revolving around the sun are called asteroids. The asteroids are too small that we can’t call them planets. Anyhow, these are known as planetoids. Planetoid means that small planet. It is expected that millions of asteroids are revolving around the sun. The total mass of these asteroids is less than the mass of the earth’s moon. No doubt, these asteroids have smaller masses but these asteroids are still dangerous for our earth. Here, we will discuss the biggest asteroids that will pass nearby from our earth this year.
NASA has issued a warning about this asteroid. According to NASA, this is one of the biggest asteroids that will pass nearby from our earth. This will pass nearby from our earth on 24th July. The length of this asteroid is 170 meters. This asteroid will pass nearby from our earth at a distance of 0.034 astronomical units. The speed of this asteroid will be 48,000 kilometres per hour. NASA has also included it into the list of the potentially hazardous asteroids. This asteroid can last some significant impacts on our planet.
This asteroid was discovered near to our earth on 7th June 2020. This asteroid was 0.03 astronomical units away from our earth. The solar elongation of this asteroid from our earth was 154 degrees. The diameter of this asteroid was 140 meters. According to researchers of a dissertation help firm, it will be the largest asteroid that will pass nearby from our earth this year. It is expected that this asteroid had passed nearby from our earth in June 1918. It is also expected that this asteroid will also pass through the Venus in April 2024. This asteroid will be 15 thousand kilometres away from Venus.
The diameter of this asteroid is 6 meters. This asteroid had passed nearby from our earth on 4th May 2020. This asteroid was close to the 7,000 kilometres to the Pacific Ocean. UN13 2019 asteroid was also similar to this asteroid. It was also passed over the Pacific Ocean. The scientists have discovered that 2020 JJ asteroid was closet to the Pacific Ocean than UN13 2019 asteroid. The nominal distance of this asteroid from the earth was 0.000090 AU. This asteroid has also a closer approach to the earth’s moon.
This asteroid was discovered by two astronomers. They were hiking at the Mount Lemmon Observatory. This asteroid was discovered on 15th February 2020. After the discovery of this asteroid, this asteroid was announced by the Minor Planet Center after 10 days on 25th February. The expected diameter of this asteroid was 1.9-3.5 meters. The orbit of this asteroid is just similar to the earth-like heliocentric orbit. Anyhow, this asteroid has slow-motion relative to the earth. It means that it approaches our planet slowly and it is difficult for us to capture it.
The diameter of this asteroid is 25 meters. This asteroid was discovered near to earth on 2 March 2011. At that time, this asteroid was 0.054 AU units away from the earth. Anyhow, the solar elongation of this asteroid was 159 degrees. After 2011, this asteroid was not observed near the earth. It is expected that this asteroid will be seen near to our earth on 1st September 2020. On 1st September 2020, this asteroid will pass far away from our earth. Its reason is that its distance from our earth will be 0.11 AU. After 2020, it will be seen near our earth in 2055.
This asteroid was discovered close to our earth on 28th May 2020. Its distance from our earth was just 142000 km. It is equal to the normal distance of the earth’s moon. Telescope has captured the image of this asteroid. This image is showing that it was safely approaching to our earth. The diameter of this asteroid is 2.8 to 6 meters. By seeing this image of the asteroid, space scientists have included it into the list of the potential hazards asteroids.
This asteroid was seen near to our earth at the end of May of this year. According to space scientists, this asteroid was also approaching safely to our earth. Its minimum distance from our earth was just 24500 km. It was two-third of the normal distance of the earth’s moon. The diameter of this asteroid is 3.5 to 7 meters. As it was seen almost 24500 km away from the earth, it means that this asteroid will not cause any harm to our planet in the future. That’s why space scientists have not included it into the list of the potential hazards asteroids.
Space scientists have included this asteroid into the list of the Apollo Group. It means that this is the most dangerous asteroid for our planet. This asteroid was discovered near to our earth on 27th January 2020. According to space scientists, this asteroid was discovered near to our earth just 0.02915 AU. This is also known as one of the biggest asteroids that will be seen in this year. Its diameter is 360 meters.
It is a newly discovered asteroid. This asteroid was seen near to our earth on 3rd February 2020. It was revolving near to our earth at the distance of 0.00126 AU. Space scientists have also discovered that it belongs to the Apollo group of the asteroids. It means that this asteroid can also create some problems for our planet.
It is expected that its diameter is in between 7.9 to 18 meters. This asteroid was discovered by Flyby Earth. It is the second asteroid that was discovered by Flyby Earth. These are the biggest asteroids that will pass nearby from our earth in 2020. Along with these asteroids, some other asteroids will pass nearby to our earth this year. In these asteroids, there come 2020 ML2, 2020 JN, 2020 UH7 and 2020 HO.