Going digital is the best thing that happened to education since the creation of the printing press. Johann Gutenberg and his printing machine brought education to wider masses, while digitalization truly made it available for all, no matter the location, physical ability, status, or wealth. Today, thanks to technology, almost all people have access to a world of lessons, books, and educational materials. It’s clear that tech changed education, but how will it affect its future?
Probably the most important advancement for the education industry in the last century has been the Internet. Today and in the future, Wi-Fi connectivity will allow the uninterrupted flow of communication and great access to knowledge. Most western schools today have internet connectivity for students and teachers, but we can expect city-wide Wi-Fi networks for access to information wherever the students might be.
Thanks to technology, schools, and teachers finally have a way to include all students in their work and provide the best education for all kids and adults. Students with disabilities or those limited by their geography can now enjoy great inclusivity. For instance, there is a technology that allows easy and fast text-to-speech conversion, meaning visually impaired students can follow classes and take notes. Next, there’s a speech-to-text conversion that allows the same, but for students with difficulties in hearing. Also, various devices can assist students with mobility issues: modified keyboards, buttons and cursors that can be controlled with very little movement or with mouth or feet. Even some seemingly small tech advancements like 3D printing, font type and size adjustment can help visually impaired students and those with learning difficulties. The future of education has never looked so diverse and inclusive.
Today, smartphones are still the most popular among students, but experts expect the rise of the tablet. Why? Well, they are small and affordable, yet large enough for various types of school work, as well as sharing. Tablets are versatile and can be used for communication, gaming, taking notes and doing everything else in between. These little screens are perfect for use on the go, especially for athletic students. Basketball students can receive expert basketball coaching through videos they can watch before, after, and even during practice. The next generation of educators will certainly use tablets for providing their learners with information, lesson plans and homework.
Another benefit of tablets today and in the future is the improvement of technological literacy among children and adults. Being technologically educated is crucial in today’s work, but especially for the world of tomorrow that will require these skills every day.
Also Small text generator are a great tool for students to help them become more efficient and productive in their writing. Text generators allow students to quickly generate text on any topic, in any style, with minimal effort. This makes it easier for students to focus on the content and structure of their writing, rather than spending time creating words.
Both younger and older students enjoy learning through games, but the former category especially. The easiest method for teachers to keep their students focused and interested is to provide them with educational video games. These games are a great way to enhance learning, truly engage students and transfer knowledge in a fun way. If properly developed, educational video games will encourage communication and cooperation between peers and teach kids how to use technology for the advancement of their education. Another reason why these games are so beneficial is that they can be adjusted to the user’s level of knowledge and skill and be played at home as well, encouraging long-term information retention.
Augmented reality and virtual reality are nothing new, but their presence in schools is a great innovation. With this technology, students can enjoy a much clearer presentation of their curriculum, as well as more interesting classes. AR and VR are very practical for teaching abstract things that are hard to see in the real world like anatomy for future doctors, chemistry experiments for chemists, etc. These tech advancements allow easy learning and understanding of concepts both in the classroom and at home using affordable devices or even just their phones. In the future, we can expect to see this tech much more widely available.
The latest pandemic showed us that the world can stop in a matter of days. However, the education of young kids and future professionals can’t stop. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide students with various ways to continue their education wherever they are. Thanks to video technology and conference calls, teachers can continue with their teachings, record lessons, communicated with students, receive assignments, and grade their work. In the future, kids who are unable to attend classes no matter the reason don’t have to miss school thanks to the new remote schooling tech.
The future of education is looking very digital, accessible, inclusive, and practical for all students looking for knowledge. We have a lot to look forward to.