How To Make Shopping More Sustainable?

With more consumers waking up to the fact that their shopping habits could be doing harm to the environment, there’s never been a better time to reconsider the way we approach shopping. If you’re looking to become a more ethical, eco-friendly consumer, here are a couple of tips on how to make shopping more sustainable.

Buy local and/or second-hand

When reaching the shelves, think about how far the garment had to travel to actually reach them. So many garments we see at our favorite stores had to be shipped from across the world to get there. By shopping locally, you can skip the process of shipping that only pollutes the air and wastes precious resources. It’s also a great way to support your local community which is something we should all be doing more of.

Other than buying local, consider buying second-hand clothes to help promote sustainable fashion. Not only is this a great way to revitalize your wardrobe, but it’s also a way to do it guilt-free. Plus, it’s great both for your wallet and the planet!

Do your shopping online

Turns out, ordering clothes online can actually be greener than taking the traditional route and shopping at a brick-and-mortar store. This is because online shopping eliminates the need for multiple trips to the store by multiple households, thus cutting emissions. It also lets you research different brands and shop thoughtfully, which isn’t exactly possible when shopping at a real-world store.

So the next time you’re browsing through some of the gorgeous MODA fashion collections, do so guilt-free. To make your buying process even more sustainable, consider selecting slower delivery options along with ordering multiple items. Finally, remember to treat your online purchases as a replacement rather than a supplement to the traditional way of shopping.

Shop less frequently in general

This is by far the most obvious yet one of the most challenging pieces of advice for sustainable shopping. After all, a little retail therapy is something we all enjoy and gladly engage in, especially when it’s online. The problem arises when we purchase items that we’re unlikely to wear over and over again.

The simplest way to shop more sustainably is to simply shop less frequently and more mindfully. Rather than purchasing items for one special occasion, make it a rule not to spend your money on something you won’t wear 30 times minimum. Remember, look for quality, even if it means paying more than usual.

Create a capsule wardrobe

Speaking of buying fewer items overall, another sustainable choice you can make is to build a capsule wardrobe. While getting a trendy piece or two is okay once in a while, you should really focus on classic pieces.

Purchase garments that you can wear for multiple seasons and occasions, and make sure they’re easy to mix and match. And definitely feel free to share and swap your clothes when possible, either with friends or family members. Not only will this help your clothes last longer, but you’ll always have something to wear.

Know your fabrics

Part of making your purchases more eco-friendly is knowing which fabrics to invest in and which ones to avoid. The truth is, not all threads are created equal. While some fibers are sourced and made sustainably and ethically, others pollute the environment and are incredibly toxic to produce.

What you can do is learn the difference between them and make more responsible choices. Viscose rayon, polyester, acrylic, and conventional cotton are not eco-friendly, and should be avoided at all costs. Instead, focus more on purchasing clothes made from natural textiles such as wool, linen, silk, and hemp. In instances when you simply can’t avoid synthetic materials, at least look for their recycled versions. This is a great eco-friendly tip when shopping for athletic wear and a way to support the recycling industry.

Take good care of your clothes

This one’s simple, yet many of us neglect this important piece of advice. Giving your garments the TLC they deserve doesn’t only ensure they look as good as new. It also preserves their quality and helps them last longer. Obviously, if you invest in higher-quality pieces, you can expect them to have a longer lifespan. Still, you should care for your inexpensive pieces just as much as you care for those you paid more for.

From avoiding overwashing to investing in a steamer to repairing clothes when they rip, there are multiple ways to prolong the lifespan of your clothes. Not only does this keep clothes out of landfills, but you also get to wear your favorite pieces for longer.

Wrapping up

Shopping sustainably doesn’t have to be complex or challenging. In fact, all it really takes is making a few adjustments and creating the right mindset. Keep these tips the next time you’re shopping, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a more conscious consumer.

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