If you are examining for the top 100 Network Marketing companies by its global revenue, then here is the list of those MLM companies which are on top. You might have lots of questions in your mind like “Which are the top 100 network marketing companies? Which Network Marketing companies will sustain their position to be the world best MLM company 2021.”
With the tenacious rise of the Network Marketing industry, numerous people have moved from their corporate jobs to the network marketing business. Every MLM company ( Network Marketing company )in the world strives to expand its customer base and reap the highest possible earnings. However, only a select few succeed to attain this status. In the Network Marketing Industry, discovering success is simple in the beginning stages of promoting a business or a product. Staying prosperous in the long run is a separate ballgame, altogether.
So let’s get into it deeper here!
Several MLM companies from various parts of the world have proclaimed their success stories. And, we have listed down the most helpful of them. As we know, Amway is the global giant company which has been leading from past several years and without any uncertainty the upcoming year 2021 also they will be on the list of the top among top 100 network marketing companies with it’s $8.61B revenue.
The most flourishing network marketing companies in 2020 have various things in common. By investigating a lot of sources and references we have sorted a list of top 100 solid Network marketing companies. The previous year’s revenue, present marketing circumstances, and future predictions may affect the given list below.
Read More : Fastest Growing MLM Companies in India 2021
Get to know about the best MLM opportunities ( Network Marketing Opportunities) of 2021, made on the year’s trending MLM companies, precarious ventures, and your downright talent to achieve no matter what! The listed network marketing companies are expected to have a promising future in the direct selling industry over the forthcoming decade. Before Getting into top 100 Network Marketing companies. Let’s have a glance over top MLM Company in India.
So let us get started and understand more about some of the legitimate MLM companies in India currently now. If you are intending to join one of the MLM company in India, then read the necessary details provided here and check the official website correctly.
Mi Lifestyle Marketing Global Private Limited is an MLM company which was founded in the year 2013 in Chennai. Currently, it’s India’s one of the most successful MLM companies. This Network Marketing company offers a broad range of quality lifestyle products for day to day use which are certified by Ministry of AYUSH.
They offer a broad range of Health and nutritional products. This direct selling Company’s current revenue is more than Rs 1500 Crore. You can register with this direct selling company and join their extensive network of distributors.
Amway is one of the most beloved MLM companies operating in India. Even though Amway is not an Indian company but it has got an enormous presence in India with 140 sales offices and warehouses in 34 cities. Amway markets more than 150 personal care and health products through shared marketing. Amway is known for its class products especially the world’s No. 1 Nutrilite supplement brand.
Ever since the establishment of the Modi Group, the central philosophy of the group has continued with conviction consistent—to improve, engage, and empower the lives of people. Modicare is one of India’s top rated network marketing company and will come under top 100 network marketing companies in India & is a serious player in a business controlled by global giants like Amway, Herbal Life, Avon.
Modicare gives products within the categories Body Care, Color Cosmetics & Skin Care,Auto Care, Nutrition, Food & Nutrient, and Health & Wellbeing.
Today there are millions of Indians who relish this dream and are financially free after joining modicare. The people of India are stubborn to lead their destiny and to manage their means of life through Modicare.
Herbal Life is a global direct selling company or multilevel marketing nutrition company that has assisted individuals to pursue a healthy, productive life since the 1980s. Herbal Life’s health & nutrition, weight-management merchandise are offered exclusively through over 2.4 million freelance distributors in more than 98 countries.
Herbalife Nutrition is an international network marketing corporation that develops and markets dietary supplements and health care routine products. Herbalife Nutrition’s merchandise has weight-loss and protein shakes, besides as protein bars, teas, aloes, vitamins, & personal care product.
Vestige is currently transforming into a top direct selling company selling in world-class personal care and wellness product. Vestige is constantly evolving at an extraordinary rate each year to compete with the top international brands in the network marketing business.
The growth rate in Vestige itself addresses volumes concerning the type of the MLM product, the MLM Marketing plans, and also the management that has been able to fulfil such a soothing and easy system.
Vestige believes in empowering its members with the opportunity to guide their lives on their own terms.
With the slogan of spreading Wealth, i.e. spreading wealth through well-being, vestige has continuing to complement the lives of everybody who could be a part of the corporate and those who believe its product.
These are the top 5 MLM Companies in India.
Explore more to find out Fastest Growing MLM Companies in the world
So let’s have a quick glance over the list of top 100 network marketing companies of 2021.
These top MLM players in the global network marketing industry are maintaining their foremost positions for the past decade. These MLM companies are focused on building a customer base and providing independent entrepreneurs in business growth by using their networks.
2021 Rank | Company | 2021 Revenue |
1 | Amway | US$ 8.8 Billion |
2 | Market America | US$ 7.3 Billion |
3 | Avon Products Inc. | US$ 5.5 Billion |
4 | Herbalife | US$ 4.9 Billion |
5 | Nu Skin | US$ 4.6 Billion |
6 | Infinitus | US$ 4.5 Billion |
7 | Vorwerk | US$ 4.3 Billion |
8 | Natura | US$ 3.6 Billion |
9 | Pharmaex | US$ 2.6 Billion |
10 | Coway | US$ 2.5 Billion |
11 | Tupperware | US$ 2 Billion |
12 | Young Living | US$ 1.9 Billion |
13 | Oriflame Cosmetics | US$ 1.5Billion |
14 | Rodan + Fields | US$ 1.5 Billion |
15 | Jeunesse | US$ 1.4 Billion |
16 | Ambit Energy | US$ 1.3 Billion |
17 | DXN Marketing Sdn Bhd | US$ 1.2 Billion |
18 | Pola | US$ 1.2 Billion |
19 | O Boticário | US$ 1.2 Billion |
20 | USANA Health Sciences | US$ 1.1 Billion |
21 | Belcorp | US$ 1.1 Billion |
22 | Atomy | US$ 1.1 Billion |
23 | Telecom Plus | US$ 1 Billion |
24 | Yanbal International | US$ 995 Million |
25 | Shop.COM | US$ 840 Million |
26 | PM International | US$ 835 Million |
27 | Stream | US$ 800 Million |
28 | Team National | US$ 735 Million |
29 | Amore Pacific | US$ 600 Million |
30 | Arbonne International | US$ 545 Million |
31 | Hinode | US$ 530 Million |
32 | Plexus | US$ 530 Million |
33 | OPTAVIA / Medifast, Inc. | US$ 500 Million |
34 | Miki | US$ 500 Million |
35 | Faberlic | US$ 465 Million |
36 | Scentsy | US$ 450 Million |
37 | Monat Global | US$ 435 Million |
38 | Younique | US$ 430 Million |
39 | For Days | US$ 385 Million |
40 | WorldVentures | US$ 375 Million |
41 | Cosway | US$ 365 Million |
42 | Nature’s Sunshine | US$ 365 Million |
43 | Prüvit | US$ 325 Million |
44 | Beautycounter | US$ 325 Million |
45 | 4Life Research | US$ 325 Million |
46 | LG Household & Healthcare | US$ 305 Million |
47 | Family Heritage Life | US$ 295 Million |
48 | Vivint | US$ 290 Million |
49 | Noevir | US$ 275 Million |
50 | Hy Cite Enterprises, LLC | US$ 275 Million |
Note:- The Above listed top 100 Multi Level Marketing companies may vary as per year!
Read more to know the rest of Top 100 MLM Companies 2021.