The development of artificial intelligence has impacted nearly all aspects of life, including video editing.
With the help of AI, video editing has become accessible, doable, and compatible, even for beginners
and inexperienced ones. That said, if you are a potential video editor or about to try your hands at video
editing for the first time, then you are here at the right place.
Firstly, you will need a good-quality video editing tool such as InVideo, while the rest depends on your
level of creativity and how you use the artificial intelligence of the tool for your benefit.
AI is boosting
creativity like never before. You can find a variety of video editing platforms in the markets VFX plugins
and whatnot. Not to mention how, over the course of a decade, small drones have effectively replaced
helicopters exclusively used for production in various respects.
If you have a close look at the market, you will see the existence of small action cameras as well as 360
cameras. We live in a time where the quick advancement of technology and a boost in the global market
competition have caused a massive drop in prices. Simultaneously, we are witnessing an increase in
quality and innovation.
Let us get back to the question about the potential future of video editing – the answer revolves around
two fast-developing technologies: the boost in internet broadband speeds (5G) and AI (artificial
intelligence). With the help of AI, some companies are trying to completely change and revolutionize the
way people approach video editing.
It is another way to say “video meets artificial intelligence.”
AI is completely throwing away the needs for certain software and the purchase of costly computer
hardware via the integration of browser-based editing. AI is also transforming the scope of visual effects
through the integration of highly intelligent machine learning that brings complicated VFX workflows
into the hands of a potential video editor with no prior experience.
Another popular feature of AI and video editing is the use of a green screen which integrates machine
learning to give the video editors the ability to rotoscope any quickly moving object with a few clicks. In
the absence of AI, this kind of editing and workflow would have taken hours to do. Not to mention how
the green screen is completely transforming the amateur space of social media.
In the very near future, with the adoption of 5G and other potential developing technologies, it will be
possible for everyone to have instant and unlimited access to high-speed internet. The cheap yet fast internet is going to be just as accessible as anything, including high-quality and very easy video editing.
With the help of AI, the uploading of large gigabyte footage folders into the cloud will soon become a
matter of a few seconds.
Since you won’t be editing the videos on your computer, the timeline’s playback speed will no longer
rely on your computer’s power of processing. The video will get edited on your browser, which changes
the entire game of video editing.